Feed check Valve is an automatic valve, its main function is to prevent the media back flow, prevent pump and drive motor reverse, and discharge the container medium. Feed check valve is used in pipelines that its pressure which may rise to exceed the system pressure auxiliary supply.....
internal-combustion engine, one in which combustion of the fuel takes place in a confined space, producing expanding gases that are used directly to provide mechanical power. Such engines are classified as reciprocating or rotary, spark ignition or compression ignition, and two-stroke or four-stroke; the most familiar combination, used from automobiles to lawn mowers, is the reciprocating, spark-ignited, four-stroke gasoline engine. Other types of internal-combustion engines include the reaction engine and the gas turbine. Engines are rated by their maximum horsepower, which is usually reached a little below the speed at which undue mechanical stresses are developed. here we designed a three cylinder reciprocating engine mechanism.
cam:-It is a simple tooth which is used to deliver pulses of power ,cam changes the input motion, which is usually rotary motion (a rotating motion), to a reciprocating motion of the follower. They are found in many machines and toys. follower:-It is a roller or needle bearing type design which is used to follow the profile of cam.
to download the CAD DESIGN of cam-follower CLICK HERE
CAD (computer aided design) :-
After calculating all design data we need to design our virtual model. For that we need CAD.
There are different types of software to do this task.
CAD software:-
Some widely used software are following -
1. Solidworks
2. Catia
3. Creo
4. Pro-E
5. Autocad
CAM (computer aided manufacturing) :- After calculating all machining data(feed rate, machine controller, tools, operations etc.) we need to do the programme for controller. Some of the software used for CAM are
1. Solidcam 2. Catia 3. PTC Creo Elements/Pro 4. Delcam 5. Mazacam 6. Worknc
FEA(Finite element analysis):- FEA is the analysis of design with finite elemental method, In which first of all we divide the design into small elements called meshing, After that we calculate the result. Some of software used for FEA are- 1. Solidworks 2. Ansys 3. Abaqus 4. Nisa